Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Introduction to Ethics

Introduction to Ethics

Q The ethics of abortion is a huge topic that we could easily spend an entire semester on. For that matter, we could spend a semester talking about the medical, legal, historical, and sociological aspects of abortion, and a second semester talking about the ethics of abortion. But instead of two semesters, we only have a week. For today's blog, think about whether there was some aspect of abortion, or of abortion ethics, that you would have liked to further explore. Was there some question that you had about abortion that was not addressed in these introductory lectures, or could have been addressed further?

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Abortion is a sensitive topic that calls for debate every time one speaks about the ethics involved in it. There are many aspects of the case of abortion because for human beings in an ethical system where we see that there are several factors which have legal positions to discuss. Abortion is practically killing the life of an unborn child intentionally. Parents who are convinced to abort their baby have certain reasons. There are cases where the parents are confused because of the aspects of consciousness which lead to several colours in the argument.